Thursday, February 2, 2012

Chemo day 4 - better safe than sorry

After a half day at the office yesterday and an excellent dinner catered by my firm, I enjoyed a relatively good night's sleep.  When I woke up this morning, I felt almost normal -- that is, until I started to move at my usual pace while performing my morning abulations.  I felt several violent waves of nausea roll over me, and had to still myself and breathe through it.  It was a swift reminder that my cells are still at war with themselves, and the lining of my stomach is still fragile.  I do better when I move slowly and keep on schedule with the anti-nausea drugs.  I think I'll work from home today. 

1 comment:

  1. uugh, nausea bad, hope the anti emetics are helping. Just thinking of you.


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