Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mets day 720 - Holding Steady

I was supposed to meet today with Dr. Aragon-Ching, my oncologist at GW. We had scheduled the appointment more than a month ago, anticipating that the results of my scan would mean that we'd need to consider additional treatment options. When she learned that the scan detected no new metastases, she emailed me and said that we could cancel our appointment. I was not disappointed.

This past week we've had a rolling celebration of Jennifer's 51st birthday. Over the weekend we gathered with several of her friends for dinner, and also went to a Christopher Cross concert at the Birchmere. His first album was the soundtrack to our courtship in the early 80's, so it was a lovely trip down memory lane. 

I think spring has finally arrived in the DC area, although I can't be sure, since it was snowing two days ago. Yesterday I was walking around the yard, taking inventory of things that needed to be addressed. I fixed two leaking gutters corners, noted several plants that didn't make it through the winter, and turned on the water to the sprinkler system and pool, only to discover a split in a copper riser supply pipe by the pool. I'm going to have to dig around in my workshop for my solder, flux and blowtorch to patch it.

Last week Chelsea learned that she had matched to a medical residency program in Ogden, Utah -- the town where Jennifer grew up, and the closest city to Huntsville, where I grew up. According to Chelsea, the local hospital in Ogden has one of the best family practice residency programs in the country, and she's excited to be training there. They'll move in early June. It's bittersweet news for Jennifer and me, because it means that Chelsea, Josh, and granddaughter Rose soon will be 2000 miles away. We've already made plans to visit them in late June and early July, and Jennifer and I have told each other that we'll be making lots of trips to get our grandparent fix. Meanwhile, we still get to care for her during the days while Chelsea finishes her classes, and we cherish spending time with her -- even when she's crying because she's teething, or is overtired, or just fussy. Enjoy each moment, I tell them, and I'm walking the talk.

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