Monday, January 14, 2013

Mets Day 276 - sleepless again

The past two nights have been pretty short on sleep.  The bedtime routines were the same as usual - take the Lunesta and baby aspirin, void the neobladder as much as possible, including occasionally catheterizing, brush teeth, put on the Depends or the absorbency pad, pray with Jennifer, then read until I get too tired to keep my eyes open, get up, void one more time, then go to sleep.  The trouble is, I didn't actually fall asleep.  I tossed and turned, kept waking up, went to the bathroom several times, tried to get back to sleep, dozed a bit, but could not get into any rhythm.  Ok, every few nights that happens.  I sleptwalked through Sunday, going to church then trying to watch the playoff games but not really into them.

Sunday night I knew that I was so tired that sleep would not be a problem.  Jennifer has driven up to Canaan Valley for an overnight visit with friends, so I had the bed to myself.  Same bedtime routine (only earlier -- this time, lights off just pas 11 pm).  I did go to sleep, but at 2 am was jolted awake by a wet patch on the bed.  My absorbent pad in my underwear had shifted and failed to perform its purpose.  I sat in the hot tub, put on a Depends, put a towel under the wet sheet, and rolled over to Jennifer's side.  Further sleep eluded me. Toss, turn, up, down, nothing was effective.  Maybe I should have read the Book of Mormon:  Chloroform in print, Mark Twain called it.  But it usually doesn't have that effect on me.  In any event, by the time the sun rose. I was already exhausted.  Monday wasn't a productive day. 

It's been a while since I've had two back-to-back nights that were so bad.  Usually, I can get at least 4 hours of consecutive sleep every other night, and sometimes I can get as much as 5 or even 6 hours in a night.  This past weekend was a reminder of how fragile my physical state really is. 

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