Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mets Day 399 - Cymbalta doesn't work for incontinence

I've been taking Cymbalta (Duloxotine) for two weeks in the hope that it would help my nighttime incontinence.  It has not.  Each night I have continued to leak; in fact, I think that the volume of my leaking has been even greater than before I started the medicine.  I have had to wear Depends consistently after having several overflow accidents wearing pads.  I also have noticed that my flow is weaker after I started taking Cymbalta.  Most importantly, my sleep patterns have not improved while on the drug.  I've concluded that this drug is not doing the trick.

So now I'm going to switch over to Imipramine (Tofranil) and give that a shot.  Dr. Phillips said I could start at 25 mg., and if I didn't notice any improvement after a week or two, double it to 50 mg.  Hopefully, I can find better living through pharmaceuticals. 

1 comment:

  1. As you know Tofranil is an anti-depressant. It helps relieve Childhood Enuresis but only if there are no organic causes.

    In short I think this is of value only as an anti-depressant. It may work if you problem is psychological.


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