Wednesday, August 3, 2016

I have a grandson!

Today Chelsea gave birth to Olie Joshua Slade, their third child, and first son. Seven pounds, nine ounces. Chelsea and Olie are doing great. Josh is thrilled to have a boy and is already planning to play baseball with him. I'm grateful that my life has been prolonged for the birth of my first grandson.

Jennifer flew out to Utah a few days ago and has been staying with the Slade's. Her job is to keep track of Rose and Lily, who are two very active little girls. Each morning between 6 and 6:30 am, Rose walks into Jennifer's room with an armload of books, drops them on the bed, then climbs up and says "Gramma, Gramma, let's read!" If Jennifer does not immediately sit up and grab a book, Rose helpfully tries to open Jennifer's eyes. Little children are wonderful, and even more so when you are awake and your bladder isn't full.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to you on the birth of another grandchild. So happy for you.

    I read that one of my Brown classmates, David McConkey (who I don't personally know) was appointed "director of the Johns Hopkins Greenberg Bladder Cancer Institute, the world's only institution dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, research and cure of bladder cancer." His email is I thought I would pass this along, in case you haven't heard of it/him.

    Sending love to you and your family, Ken.


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