Monday, April 22, 2013

Mets Day 375 - Cancer and happiness

I was browsing for updated information on bladder cancer, and stumbed across a 2007article by Jane Brody in the New York Times, titled Thriving After Life's Bum Rap.  It talked about how people living with cancer had found increased joy in life, and had gained new insights solely as a result of cancer.  The article reflected in many ways the experience that I have had in my ongoing battle. 

I still battle with sleep deprivation each day.  I have no idea how I will feel each day, and find that my tank of energy is quickly depleted.  I monitor work emails, chime in on strategy, participate in occasional conference calls, and review and edit briefs as needed, but rarely go into the office.   More recently I have been working on various home improvement projects and long-deferred maintenance.  Tearing stuff apart or putting it back together does not take the same level of mental concentration as does complex intellectual property disputes.  I can work on a project as I have energy, then sit down and doze, or read, or whatever.  I have the energy of an 80 year old, it seems. 

In May, I have appointments with two different urologists who specialize in incontinence.  I'm curious to see what they recommend.  Until then, I wait patiently and try to find joy in each day. 


  1. Ken---it can be very trying to "live the gospel," as of course you know. I often think of Jesus on the Cross when he said, "Daddy, why have you abandoned me?" Even He despaired---at least at that moment when it was hard to see the larger picture. But there generally is a bigger picture; sometimes it's not one easily seen by us at the time of our hardship.

    On that point, I would highly recommend that you take your family to see the new movie "#42." It's fabulous in every way, including showing some great examples of what I think God wants us to understand about life. It will provide some good discussion material for conversations with your kids & Jennifer---and even Sunday School!

    Hope you can get some decent sleep on a more regular basis. Without that----life IS pretty miserable.

    Renee T.

  2. Ken, you never cease to amaze. You did get a bum rap but you seem happier than when we spent that week with our families at Lake Powell all those years ago. Keep smiling Bro! You are an example to us all!

    P.S. - Thanks for posting you recent "sermon".


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