Sunday, August 5, 2012

Mets Day 115 – drying up

I have been carefully monitoring my nighttime sleeping and leakage habits since the July 27 procedure to reopen my neobladder.  The first thing I’ve noticed is that I have gotten used to sleeping while wearing a Depends.  The two nights that I tried not wearing it, I tossed and turned, probably because I was worried about peeing on the mattress.  I hope to wean myself of the habit as soon as I am confident that I am fully continent during the night.  I'm far dryer than before, but not completely dry. 

I’ve noticed that what and when I drink fluids dramatically affects my nighttime urinary habits.  I guess it makes sense, but it didn’t used to be that way before surgery.  Oh well, that was then.  Now, I need to avoid Diet Coke after 6 pm or so, and any fluids after 8 pm or so, otherwise I am far more prone to leak at night. 

My regular urine flow seems to be fine, although sometimes I need to work to contract my neobladder more than other times.  I can’t say if the scar tissue is re-forming, but if it is, it will become progressively more difficult to empty my neobladder.  Time will tell. 

I have been sleeping longer each night since my neobladder was reopened – the longest so far is about 5.5 hours.  The difference between that and 2 hours at a time is huge.  I feel like I have more energy and am less lethargic.  Again, it makes sense, but until you’ve experienced three straight months of no more than two hours of sleep at a time, it’s hard to know what it feels like.  Mothers are quick to tell me that it’s like being a new mom, and I’m not going to argue.  All I know is that getting more sleep is a good thing.

For the past four days I’ve been in Asheville NC with Jennifer, Spencer and Garrett.  We saw that last desperate gasp of the guilded age known as Biltmore – we loved the grounds more than the castle – did a Segway tour (Garrett has a new item for his Christmas list), the boys went zip-lining, Jennifer and Spencer joined the weekly community drum circle, we went to lots of artist studios, at lots of good food, reconnected with friends, and had a good time.  It is a long drive from DC, however. 

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