Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mets Day 132 - Surprise!

Tomorrow we're having an open house for my 50th birthday.  (If you didn't get an invitation and live in the DC area, sorry, you're invited!)  Earlier this week I talked to my Mom on the phone -- she lives in Florida -- and she said that she wished that she could be there for the party, but it was a long way to go, and she and my stepdad had just spend two weeks with us at the end of June. 

So yesterday evening I came home from spending about 6 hours at the office.  Jennifer was not home, but the rest of the kids were.  I went into the bathroom to rearrange my bowels and read the paper, and heard Jennifer come home.  When I came out, there was Jennifer sitting with my mom in the living room.  I glanced over, said hi, then did the classic double take -- I did not expect my Mom to be sitting there!  We all had a good laugh.  Everyone but me was in on it, and Jennifer said that she nearly let it slip a few times, but the stealth mission was successful. 

My Mom will be here through Monday, unless the hurricane brewing in the Caribbean causes US Air to cancel its flights -- then she may be here a bit longer.  We'll happily take every minute of family time we can get.   Last night we played a few family games with the whole family.  Today I stayed home and we visited.  We pulled weeds in the flowerbeds until we were dripping with sweat, then came in to cool off.  It's nice to be able to have a comfortable relationship with her. 


  1. Happy Birthday! Sorry I will miss the celebration - but I will be sending smiles and cheers your way!

  2. How Cool! I'm glad Jennifer was able to surprise you! Family time is priceless!!! Hope you have an enjoy day! Hope you got my text if not HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!
    We love you and you are in our prayers.
    Jamie and family


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