Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Chemo Day 36 - ongoing side effects

Even though I don't have chemo this week, my body continues to reflect the effects of repeated rounds of poisoning.  The inside of my mouth feels like it has blisters, as if I had been drinking something too hot.  I had read that mouth sores was a common side effect, and my doctor had told me to get Biotene oral rinse and use it frequently to reduce the chance of infection.  Fortunately, the sores do not have a sensitivity (yet), so my diet is still largely unaffected.  Likewise, there has been no nausea or other GI problems during the weeks that I do not have Cisplatin, and it is a wonderful thing to enjoy regularity. 

I also continue to have reduced stamina and energy, even during non-chemo weeks.  It takes 3-4 weeks for the body to substantially overcome the after-effects of the drugs, so feeling the tiredness at the cellular level is to be expected.  Yesterday afternoon I laid down on the couch in my office and rested - when I opened my eyes, an hour and a half had passed!  That was unusual for me, especially since I had slept well for the past few nights.  It's all about learning to listen to my body, and not fight it. Cancer teaches patience with a brutal whip. 


  1. It's true that listening to your body is the best - it knows what it needs. Glad your spirits are up and that you are understanding so well.I look forward to reading each day.
    You are in our prayers.
    Love you
    Jamie and family

  2. IT seems like every day you have new experiences and different reactions! it is like being on rollercoaster and seeing different sights from different angles while your tummy flip-flops!

    If the blisters become very sore, get some Anbesol and put a little on the sores with a q-tip. I use that when I have a cankersore. It will help numb the pain a bit.

    Hope that helps!

    Love you!


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