Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mets Day 104 - clinical trial control group

Charlotte from Fox Chase just called to say that I had been randomly placed into the control group for the Dendreon trial.  That means that Dendreon will pay for my CT and MUGA scans every 2-3 months for life (or as long as I chose to participate), but that I won't be getting the experimental treatment.  Oh well.  I hadn't been expecting too much from the trial in any event, since most clinical trials involving metastatic bladder cancer fail to live up to expectations.  Jennifer's reaction was sharper than mine, but there's not a lot we can do about it. 

I'm keeping another pee log in advance of my visit to the pelvic floor specialist at GW on Friday.  Yesterday I managed to put out 1,350 ml of urine in one sitting (after drinking 64 oz. of Diet Coke), so I know that my neobladder has a lot of capacity.  The key is training my body to hold it at night.  I'm still getting up 3-4 times each night, and leaking in between.  Last night's sleep was particularly unsatisfying, and I expect I'll have that groggy feeling all day.  Bleah.  

1 comment:

  1. I suppose these things happen for a reason... it sometimes is one we mere humans just don't see yet. I admire your philosophical attitude about the cohort placement.
    Love and light to you always - Cyn


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