Thursday, July 5, 2012

Mets Day 84 - home again

Our power at home was restored at 11:15 pm last night -- just over 5 days after the derecho (I didn't know what it was either) knocked it out.  Just in time for my folks to get back home and pack up and get ready to fly back home to Florida tomorrow morning.  We enjoyed our time at the lake, but it was nice to get back home this afternoon.  Now I can pee in my own bed. 

The nighttime incontinence is not getting better.  I don't know if it is the infection in my neobladder, or what, but I am unable to drain it like I used to do in early to mid June.  I have very little ability to generate a consistent flow - just a slow series of weak squirts - making it very difficult to empty the neobladder.  I no longer think it is a mucus blockage, but an inability to contract the neobladder.  I'm hoping that as the Cipro knocks down the infection, I'll be better able to void. 

Until we get this figured out, each night my neobladder slowly drains when I fall asleep and the sphincter (such as it is) relaxes.  When I get up at night to try to drain it, I am unable to do so.  It's very frustrating.  Wearing a Depends works only for a couple of hours, then it soaks through.  I'm experimenting with doubling up, or otherwise trying to contain the urine.  I have a waterproof pad on the mattress, and use "chucks" (disposable waterproof pads) to add further protection, assuming I stay on it during the night.  We usually end up having to wash the sheets daily.  While Robert Duvall might have loved the smell of napalm in the morning, I hate the smell of urine in the morning. 


  1. Ken!

    I had my neobladder 'installed' back in late September. Your blog reveals much of the same post surgery issues that I experienced. Your blog is amazing. I wanted to write one too, but it started and ended the morning before my surgery.

    Anyhow, lately, I have been having the same nite time incontinence issues. I have found two remedies for this (though I often fail to abide by them). One is to not drink anything after 7:00pm, the other is to walk alot.

    Looking forward to sharing war stories...


  2. Also, have alot of towels handy....


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