Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mets Day 69 - two steps backwards

The past few days have been no fun. I really did a number on my abdomen on Thursday, and have been in constant pain since then. Sometime it's just a 2 or 3 on the 1-10 scale, but at other times it is a 6 or 7. Evenings and nights are worst. It is very difficult to get comfortable in bed. Getting 90 minutes of sleep at a time is fortunate. The acute pain is slowly dissipating, so I know my body is recovering, but the fog has been denser this past week. I have appointments with my physical therapist tomorrow and my urologist on Friday, and managing this pain will be one of the items on the agenda. 

On Monday, Jennifer and I joined our good friends to listen to Cynthia do some jazz singing. She was wonderful! Unfortunately, soon after she finished and while others were singing, my pain meter spiked and we had to leave early. Lesson learned: Don't try outings without pain meds. (BTW, I've found Percoset is more effective than Vicodin or Tramadol for this pain.)

No word yet from Fox Chase re the Dendreon trial. My schedule remains uncertain pending the ability to get an effective amount of sleep, and the clinical trial picture is clarified. 

This Saturday my Mom and stepdad will be joining us for a couple of weeks. It's always good to spend time with them.  Next week, Jennifer and Kirsten will be at girl's camp, and Garrett will be a scout camp, so it will just be me, Spencer, and my folks at home.  We hope to get away to the lake the last weekend of June - I hope I'm feeling better by then. 

1 comment:

  1. Ken---sorry about the car! Bummer. But now that you know your brain is sometimes in a fog, perhaps driving should be avoided for awhile.

    At times of great mental, emotional, or physical distress, mental fog should be expected. This happened to me when I was getting a divorce years ago and found myself on the subway in NE DC without the slightest memory of how I got that far away from where I wanted to be.

    I can understand why you want to get your life back as soon as possible. It's hard to do, but it's probably better to take it slower for a while until you're sure your body is further along in its healing process.

    All the best, Renee T.


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