Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mets Day 565 - Round 3 tomorrow

I've very reluctantly decided to do the third round of ddMVAC chemo.  I get nauseated just thinking about it.  But I've re-reviewed the literature, and it consistently suggests that multiple rounds increases the ability of the chemo drugs to inhibit the growth of the cancer.  I've also reflected on the advice of my doctor, consulted with my family, and given it some prayerful consideration.  Even though emotionally and physically I don't want to do it, going forward with round 3 seems the right thing to do.

I've also decided that round 3 will be my last round, at least for this year.  I'll have a scan next week, and then have another scan in January, and take it from there.  Knowing that round 3 will be my last round for a while helps somewhat in going forward tomorrow.  I also can look forward to our cruise on Nov. 16 as incentive to get my strength back.  But for the next two weeks, I know I'm going to feel pretty bad.  As one of my friends said to me, it's one thing to be served a [crap] sandwich.  It's another thing to know you've ordered it.  Waiter, oh waiter . . .

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