Friday, May 4, 2012

Mets Day 22 - more incoherence from Ken

When the cats are away eating (Giordano's!) I can sneak on the blog and do another update.  I've been staying off the morphine (relatively speaking), but I'm still TUI (Typing under the influence).  I went on a couple of more walks, followed by deeply satisfying naps.  Today the nurses removed my dressing over the primary incision.  It looks like someone had a good time with a staple gun.  Strangely enough, I'm not feeling too much pain from the incision, even though it runs from the base of my penis to my naval.  I am very gently when I am sitting up and sitting back down.  Sudden movements are not my friend.

The dressings around the abdominal drain and SPT were also changed twice today.  This afternoon the flow had much less blood in it, and more clear stuff.  It's a good sign that my kidneys are coming bck on line.  Hopefully, bowel function soon will follow. 

I'm still not permitted anything orally.  I sneak a little ice in here and there, but I have surprisingly little appetite.  Another neobladder patient told me that he lost 28 pounds during his recovery - he was disappointed that he gained most of it back.  As long as I'm not uncomfortable, then that's ok with me.

Today we received a balloon bouquet from our friends, Bill and Bernice Pine.  Here's a picture:
Bernice is helping coordinate tomorrow's BCAN walk, along with Kim Parke.  Send pictires for posting here!  I'm told that Kim has created a DS-based website on my behalf that has over $7500 in donations.  That, combined with my family-based donation site, will be approaching $9000 in donations!  Thank you! 


  1. You look like you are having a party! I'm so glad this part is over for you. We are so encouraged by the prognosis! The hard part is still ahead, it's never a good time when they take a 'knife to you!! Take care, Ken, you're in our thoughts and prayers. Love You, Ansje

  2. Good look balloon boy! Keep up the good spirits and hard recovery work��

    Love you!


  3. I got a nice report on the Giordano's time from Sarah -- so glad that she could meet up with Chelsea and Jennifer while they're in Chicago. Keeping you all in my prayers, and glad you are healing!
    Blessings to you


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