Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mets Day 23 - BCAN walk, and more

Today was BCAN's annual fundraiser walk.  We had 27 people attend the walk on my behalf on the National Mall.  Following is a photo of the combined "Team KBros and Team Brothers":
Thank you to all who participated, or walked in in your hometown communities, or thought of me as you traveled today.  In addition, thank you to all who made donations - I think we are approaching $10,000 in donations to help find a cure for bladder cancer.  Yay!

Today I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the my friends in the IP group.  Here's a picture:

(the flowers are on the left)

Jennifer points out that my hair is getting shaggy, so we have arranged for a barber to come to the hospital.  My first post-chemo haircut!  I've noticed that I lost about 50% of my hair, but that which remained got thicker and curlier.  So it looks like I didn't lose any hair, but in fact I did. 

I notice I'm still under the influence of morphine as I type. 

Jennifer I carefully taking pictures of balloon and flower bouquets, and of me and Chelsea.  I'm glad that she is enjoying it.

Momentous news!  I just farted!  I need to update my FB status page (If only I had one to post.).  This really is a big deal for a radical cystectomy patient with a neobladder.  It tell me that my colon and small intestine was properly severed and stitched together, and it that my GI system has now fully awoken from surgery.  I called to nurse on the call butt an an proudly announced my feat, and I heard laughter on the background.  Hey, life is to short for formalities. 

I'm told that, now that I'm running with the wind, so to speak, that I can actually look forward to eating food.  Earlier today one of the nursing erroneously told me that I could order jello and broth from the kitchen, and brought me a full pitcher of ice water, which I promptly drank.  When I tried to order the jello, I was told that I was still on a "nothing by mouth" diet.  The nursing aide was so embarrassed that he avoided us for the rest of the day.  We questioned the doctor on the the possible side effects, and were told that a worst case scenario is that I might vomit the water.  But since it hadn't happened, I needn't worry about it.  Maybe no I can eat really food for dinner!

Jennifer observed that I must be tired.  I head was nodding off over the laptop, and I would go for some time with zero action.  Yes, I'm tired.  Hospitals are not restful places.  Both of my arms are impressively bruised from repeated needle sticks and probes.  To sleep an uninterrupted night . . . it might be a long while before that happens . . .


  1. We always knew you would be quick to fart, you have always been so good at it! I can personally attest to that fact!

    Keep up the good spirits!


  2. Weird how I can relate to a few things as they mirror my pregnancy symptoms...I bet you would rather have a chubby redhead newborn instead of the neobladder. That's what I'm hoping for:) Good luck and lots of love! Know that we (unborn chubby redhead included) pray for you and your family.


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