Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chemo day 10 - why does it have to be so constipated?

Ruminations of side effects of drugs. I am firmly corked. I have been taking 4 of the colace/senna pills daily since Monday, and have not taken any of the anti-emetics.  After my violent purge on Saturday, I've had only one movement since, on Monday afternoon. The old joke about which body part is the most important is true today.  My trembling hand has been tempted to reach for the Ducolax again, but so far I've resisted. 

On top of it, I am feeling the bone pain caused by the Neulasta booster shot, especially in my pelvis.  Tylenol for that.  The flu-like symptoms showed up, so I've been taking Claritin for that. Along with the steroid and gemcetibine, I feel like I am a walking pharmacy, and all these drugs are interacting in ways that are making me grumpy. 

Jennifer's dad has surgery for prostate cancer last fall, and said that the pain medications he was prescribed made him so constipated that he decided he's rather have the pain than the constipation, so he stopped taking the pain pills.  Stopping chemo is not an option for me, so I'm going to have to figure out another option.  I've got a call into my doctor, and sent her a full report of my diet since the purge:

Sunday: yogurt protein shake (40 oz fluid), Garrett's homemade pizza, penne pasta with turkey sausage, salad, chips/dip, cobbler, 4 diet cokes, 1 liter water
Monday: yogurt protein shake (40 oz fluid), Potbelly wreck sandwich and cookie, baked chicken, steamed veggies, salad, 3 liters power aid zero, 1 liter water
Tuesday: yogurt protein shake (40 oz), wheat bagel w/butter, Baja Fresh pork burrito, leftover penne pasta, salad and steamed veggies. 1.5 liters power aid zero, 2 diet cokes, 1 liter water
This morning: yogurt protein shake (32 oz).

Grumble grumble.


  1. Milk of Magnesia does the job for me. See if you're allowed to use that. Yucky taste, but most reliable and without cramping.......

  2. I feel like that often too---but I'm older than you and I'm not taking chemo drugs. Amazing how life can disolve into the most basic of issues.

    Keep'll get there!

  3. So sorry to hear of your G.I. distress
    And that you feel like a pharmaceutical mess
    We often ignore our bodies when well
    But impossible to when we feel like hell
    I think that as your treatment progresses
    You'll improve at managing side effect stresses
    I hope that your comfort you soon will recoup
    Maybe tomorrow you'll have a great poop!

  4. ... that was the most amazing thing i have ever read, bernice hahaha


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