Sunday, February 12, 2012

chemo week 3 - off week

This week I will not have any chemo. It's an " off week" intended to let my body recover at the cellular level from the poisons that they have absorbed. Tomorrow I'll go in for lab work to see how low by white blood cell count and hematcrits really are, then I'll be given a pass until next week (actually until Tuesday the 21st, since the Cancer Center is closed for President's Day). I'm told that I should be feeling close to normal this week. I hope so - I have a lot planned.

I likely will not be blogging as much during this week. Normal is boring. I like boring.


  1. I hope that you are bored to tears

  2. I hope you two have a wonderful time. I hope it recharges both of you. Good luck with your presentation. We love you two!
    Jamie and family


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