This morning, I woke up early and I made sure that I kept up with my anti-nausea drugs, then went to work. Seven hours later and I'm still there, so I'm either doing ok, or I'm so out of it that I don't know what's going on. Maybe both? Anyway, I feel almost normal. I had a long meeting this morning, ate lunch, then laid down on the sofa in my office and rested. Now I'm back to slaying paper dragons for the afternoon.
How am I doing? I have been having no pain so far. No muscle aches, no bone pain, no GI tract discomfort, no major reflux. I still have all my hair. The feeling earlier this week of a systemic exhaustion is hard to describe - like every cell of your body has had a workout, and is tired. But not just your muscles - it's every cell. Each movement takes more of an effort than expected. Not a painful effort - just a little jolt of surprise that blinking, or lifting a finger, or rolling over, takes that much energy. It's not quite what I expected.
In preparing for chemo, I have been hoping for the best and planning for the worst. So far, things appear to tilting more towards the better side (knock on wood). I get round 2 on Monday, and will be wondering how my body responds to that. Each day I discover what is, for me, the new normal. And I am glad to be alive and do so.
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